About American Stairways

Based in Memphis TN, American Stairways has been and industry veteran for nearly 40 years. With its central location geographically, we are able to reach most markets quickly and competitively. American's line of folding attic stairways can be found coast to coast and is stocked by the industry's major distributors and dealers around the country.

American Stairways was also the first company to offer an affordable, one-hour fire rated stairway for residential applications, the BE-119. These certified fire-rated units come in the three standard residential widths for ease of installation.

For any residential attic access needs, look to American Stairways for a quality solution.

American Stairways Models

American Stairways offers many sizes, duty ratings, energy saving, and code compliant options to meet your requirements. Take a look to see which model works best for you.


Model 444


Model 655

Energy Saver

Model 655 R-10 Energy Saver


Model 800


Model 1200

1Hr Fire Rated

Model BE-119

Pocket Door Frames

Knee Wall Access Doors